Friday, May 22, 2009

Trevor singing at Rupp Arena

Here is an impromptu karaoke performance did in Rupp Arena. I used a flip camera, the audio is not perfect, but it should be fun to watch.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Trevor and Billy sing"I Never Would Have Made It"

Billy Duvall and Trevor sing at our house. Trevor is preparing for the Orchestra Kentucky tomorrow and Billy came to help out. They ended up jamming a little as well.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Stephanie Spruill and Trevor in her Studio

We have had a lot of wonderful experiences in California, but to watch Ms. Stephanie work with Trevor is a truly amazing experience.  She is fantastic and exemplifies everything positive about being a musical artist.  I can't explain the warmth and peace she exhibits.  There were parts of this lesson where she and Trevor "scat" with each other and that was truly amazing.  I look forward to taking Trevor back to her.  If he could work with her for a long period of time, there is no stopping Trevor.  Enjoy... This is a clip of a Stevie Wonder song called "Ribbon In The Sky".  For those who know this is a mountain of a song.